Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Three Books in Four Days

"Three Books in Four Days"? That makes it sound more impressive than it was. Actually, it wasn't impressive at all.

Last weekend, Elana and I were able to get away to the Berkshires for a few days of R & R.

Upon my return, someone asked me, "Why do you go? Do you ski?" The correct answer is that, although I can ski, and sometimes do, that's not why we go to the Berkshires. For us, it allows us the opportunity to sit down and read.

This time, I completed three books that I had begun. Without the solitude, without the isolation, I don't believe I would have finished them.

The first was an Israeli novel by A. B. Yehoshua, called, Friendly Fire. Elana had read it and told me that I had to finish it so that I could explain the ending to her. And so I pushed myself and read several hundred pages in two days. I finished the book -- but I don't think I understand the ending any better than Elana. Ethan Bronner, our friend (who grew up across the street from Elana in Louisville, KY), wrote a fine review of the novel for the New York Times, in which he pointed out its flaws. Nonetheless, it felt good to read an Israeli novel. Yehoshua captures that "Israeliness" that is so nice to be reminded of.

The second book was a spy thriller by Daniel Silva, called The Kill Artist. Jan had recommended it the other day. We were talking about the recent assassination of the Hamas operative in Dubai, and the clumsy way that surveilance cameras picked up all of the assailants during their stay in Dubai. It was amazing to read a work of fiction that seemed to anticipate these concerns.

The third book was the best of all. It is Eating Animals, by Jonathan Foaer Safran. It is quite an eloquent, beautiful book, an ethical treatise.

Donna Cover had nudged me to read it -- after Leora had recommended it.

All my life I've waffled with vegetarianism. Even when Jeremy, in his singlemindedness, refrained from eating fish as well as meat, I waffled. After this book, I'm not sure I can waffle anymore.

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